CompTIA (TestOut) EduApp

CompTIA (TestOut) EduApp

by The Computing Technology Industry Association, Inc.
  • Editor Button
  • Resource Selection
  • Course Nav
  • Homework Submission
  • Assessment
  • Content
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
  • English
Requires Consumer Key and Secret

This integration is retiring, please update to LTI 1.3. Contact your CompTIA representitive for assistance.

The CompTIA EduApp makes it easy to integrate your school’s Canvas environment with the CompTIA courses in CertMaster that you use in your course.

Canvas Admins

Setting the CompTIA EduApp up is easy! Receive a Consumer Key/Secret from CompTIA and set up a training session with one of our Implementation Managers (or simply follow the integration guide and install it from the EduApp Center inside of Canvas).


Use the CompTIA EduApp to create links to a section heading, specific resource, a custom quiz or TestOut Pro Certification.

Choose which assignments are graded and a column will be added to the Canvas gradebook.

Create your CertMaster account, get access to LabSim product, and create your class by simply clicking a link to CertMaster.


Students simply click the link created by their instructor and are launched to the specific CertMaster resource their instructor wants them to complete!

Installation Instructions

Reach out to your CompTIA representative to obtain a Consumer Key/Secret.

Installation guide for the CompTIA EduApp is located here:

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
A link to CompTIA's Accessibility documentation for LabSim courseware can be found here:
Security Information:
The EduApp uses both OAuth and SSL to authenticate users and secure the transmission of any data.
Privacy Policy:
A link to CompTIA's Privacy Policy can be found here:
LMS API's your app uses:
The EduApp currently utilizes LTI and Canvas API's to transmit information from CertMaster back to the Canvas LMS. Specific API's include: /api/v1/courses /api/v1/users /login/oauth2
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS