

by Myknowledgemap
  • Course Nav
  • Assessment
  • Community
  • Content
  • 7th-12th Grade
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
Requires Consumer Key and Secret (click here to generate) is a modern, student centric eportfolio system that can be integrated with Canvas. Including powerful support for evidence asset collection, mapping and showcasing with multiple templates.

The Showboards feature now supports Communities of Practice. Mastery and career readiness are among the many advanced features offers.

The integration not only supports the ability to log straight into from within your Canvas course but also takes updates of student course/module registration information from Canvas into for simplified administration of the two systems.

Installation Instructions
  1. 1) Firstly, generate OAuth credentials by going to the LTI pairings generator tool at!/lti/pairings.
  2. 2) Enter your Canvas url then click ‘+ Generate pairing’
  3. 3) Keep this window open so you can copy each piece of data into the installation
  4. 4) Sign into your canvas environment as an admin
  5. 5) Go to Admin > Settings > Apps
  6. 6) Click ‘+ App’ to launch the app installation window
  7. 7) In configuration type select ‘By URL’
  8. 8) In Name enter ‘Myshowcase’
  9. 9) In Consumer key, Shared secret and Config URL enter the relevant value from the Myshowcase LTI pairings generator
  10. 10) Click submit and the app will install
Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
Where possible conforms to the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 “Level AA”.
Security Information:
The connection between your Canvas implementation and your organisation account is secured using an LTI connection.  This connection uses a 'Consumer Key' and 'Shared secret' which is stored within the database against your organisation account when the initial connection is set-up. All data transferred between Canvas and is encrypted over HTTPS as is all data between the users' browser and
Privacy Policy:
Please refer to the following Privacy-Policy
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS