

by ScreenPal
  • Editor Button
  • Resource Selection
  • Course Nav
  • Homework Submission
  • Assessment
  • Community
  • Content
  • Media
  • Study Helps
  • Web 2.0
  • Completely Free
  • K-6th Grade
  • 7th-12th Grade
  • Postsecondary
  • Collaboration
  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Desire2Learn
  • Moodle
  • Sakai
  • Other
  • Schoology

ScreenPal is an all-in-one video creation and management solution for teaching and learning. Educators and students at every grade level in nearly 200 countries use ScreenPal for flipped, blended and remote learning, supporting active learning and student engagement in any environment.

ScreenPal gives educators easy-to-use tools to record, annotate, edit, organize, and share videos for learning. Educators can work directly within their LMS to capture, publish, and share videos on any device, including Windows, Mac, and Chromebooks. Educators can record their screen, webcam, or both, add drawings and annotations to grab and hold student attention, and then easily edit recordings to add text and image overlays, plus automated captions for accessibility.

Educators can turn any video into an interactive learning experience in ScreenPal. By adding video quizzes, ratings, and polls to video lessons, teachers can check for comprehension, allow students to replay topics they haven’t mastered, and monitor individual student and overall class progress. In addition, educators can add annotation links at any point in a video to direct students to additional resources or related videos, plus add call-to-action buttons for next steps, and then embed interactive videos in their LMS.

ScreenPal supports many scenarios for K-12 and Higher Education, including:

Flipped or blended learning
Lecture capture: teach while your lecture is recorded
Video announcements
Teacher-student screencast mentorship
Student video assignments

Watch this video to see how ScreenPal works in Canvas.

Installation Instructions

Just add the app and starting using it within your LMS. You may be asked to create an account if you have not done so previously.

If you have a Team account, you get extra features such as embedding an entire video channel and the screen recorder for student assignments. You will need to add a consumer key and shared secret to enable premium features. See tutorials here.

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
WCAG 2.0 standard, level AA. VPATs available upon request.
Security Information:
Privacy Policy:
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS