Practice by FeedbackFruits

Practice by FeedbackFruits

by FeedbackFruits
  • Assessment
  • Study Helps
  • Beta
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Desire2Learn
  • Moodle
  • Other
Requires Consumer Key and Secret

Why is Practice useful for learning?

It increases understanding of subjects and activates student thinking through practice questions.

How does Practice work?

With Practice, your students can implement the knowledge gathered in class through a set of open or multiple choice questions. By doing so, students can increase their understanding of subjects discussed in class and can easily process the knowledge collected.

This is supported by transparent analytics, information on possible intervention moments, and straight forward moderation.

This plugin was designed with the firm belief that its easiness of use will determine its success. Therefore, depending on the teacher’s didactic method, the plugin allows them to create extra activities such as:

  • Create a set of practice questions to prepare your students for the lesson
  • Create a set of practice questions to prepare your students for an exam

  • A bit of background…

    This module is a result of a collaboration between partners from the International EdTech Consortium, comprised of over 15 leading universities, such as MIT, TUDelft and HULT International Business School. All partners are united in their aim and dedication to accelerate the implementation of active, blended and online learning. The Consortium is facilitated by FeedbackFruits, as is the process of creating and distributing evidence-based learning activities and the digital means to support them.


    More modules by the EdTech Consortium

    Each of our modules are carefully designed by co-creating with instructors and students to support an ever-increasing number of learning activities.






    Installation Instructions
    Config Options
    Accessibility Documentation:
    We are working hard towards full WCAG 2.0 AA compliance and already cover many fundamentals, and have implemented various WebAIM recommendations.
    Security Information:
    All communication between the end user and our servers is encrypted using TLS with AES-256. All stored personal data is not accessible for third parties. Back-ups are made daily and are saved using AES-256 encryption (More at
    Privacy Policy:
    We are fully GDPR compliant! Our privacy policy can be read in full at
    Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS