American Indian History

American Indian History

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American Indian History—15,000 Years of American Indian History and Culture.

AWARDS AND REVIEWS Booklist/RBB Editors’ Choice Reference Source

Library Journal Best Databases

“…highly recommended…easy to use…extremely student-friendly.”—Booklist

“…a valuable resource…highly recommended…”—American Reference Books Annual

A VIRTUAL LIBRARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN HISTORY American Indian History provides fast access to more than 15,000 years of culture and history, covering more than 600 Native American groups and offering an interactive, multifaceted look at the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

EASY ACCESS TO CONTENT Featured content in American Indian History is handpicked by our editors to inform research and provide guided entryways into the database. Plus, convenient links to key areas are at the top of every page.

FOCUSED TOPIC CENTERS American Indian History features specially selected content on different culture areas and eras, providing a starting point for research.

PERFECT FOR DOCUMENT-BASED LEARNING AND OTHER LEARNING STYLES American Indian History includes historical documents with introductory paragraphs that provide context and background to the sources—perfect for document-based learning and strengthening critical-thinking skills. This database also supports 1:1 initiatives, blended instruction, flipped classrooms, and project-based learning.

FEATURED VIDEOS AND SLIDESHOWS American Indian History’s videos, original maps, and original, SMART Board–friendly slideshows provide a fascinating visual introduction to key topics and themes. Use them to reinforce visual learning, stimulate interest, and offer convenient overviews and discussion starter material.

AUTHORITATIVE SOURCE LIST American Indian History includes expertly researched and written content from a wealth of award-winning proprietary print titles.

CONTROVERSIES IN HISTORY Editorially selected pro/con articles on hundreds of controversies in history can be found in American Indian History, enabling researchers to grasp the essence and importance of every conflict and the reasons Americans debated them.

· A detailed general timeline, updated monthly, plus timelines by culture area and era · Searchable by all major educational standards · Tag “clouds” for all content, linking to related material · Real-time, searchable Reuters® newsfeed · Google Translate · Read Aloud tool · Dynamic citations with EasyBib export functionality · Searchable Support Center · Robust administrative section with enhanced reporting

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