

by MagicBox
  • Assessment
  • Content
  • Math
  • Media
  • Open Content
  • Science
  • Study Helps
  • Textbooks/eBooks
  • Web 2.0
  • K-6th Grade
  • 7th-12th Grade
  • Postsecondary
  • Collaboration
  • English
  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Desire2Learn
  • Moodle
  • Sakai
  • Other
  • Schoology
Requires Consumer Key and Secret (click here to generate)
IMS Global Certification from

MagicBox is an AI-powered, award-winning, SaaS-based, cloud-hosted, end-to-end digital publishing platform that tailors education to individual needs. The platform enables K-12 and higher education publishers, authors, and content providers, as well as enterprise publishers, to create, manage, enrich, and deliver digital content through their custom-branded web and mobile apps.

With its multi-tenant architecture, every school, school district, or corporate entity is a separate tenant that can be configured with a unique domain name, individual branding, and select features. MagicBox is widely used in North America, Australia, and Asia, with around 7 million users worldwide.

It has received several accolades for its innovative features and functionalities, including personalized learning, gamification, social learning, and analytics. The platform’s AI-powered technology constantly innovates to enhance its features and functionalities, making it an ideal solution for learners, teachers, and publishers worldwide.

Installation Instructions

Register with Magic Box ( Click on Setting - ‘Upgrade to Pro.’ Click on the ‘Upgrade Now’ button. Support team will reach out to you within 24 to 48 hours.

In case you face any difficulties during the registration process or in getting the Consumer & Secret Key please contact us at

Your secret will be used by Interface Consumer to sign each request, and by the provider to verify the signature.

If you are using any one of the below LMS. Ask your Administrator to install the tool here.

  1. Integration with Schoology Step 1: Select “Courses” from the Head Section & either create a new Course or select an existing course. Step 2: Select “Add File/Link/External Tool” from “Add Materials” options in the courses. Step 3: Select “External Tool” from the popup. Step 4: Please fill the form appeared in the popup.

Title - This will be displayed as your course name.

URL - Fill the URL shared by MagicBox.

Consumer Key - Fill the “Consumer Key” shared by MagicBox.

Shared Secret - Fill the “Shared Secret” shared by MagicBox. Custom Parameters - This is not mandatory. In case any custom parameters have been shared by MagicBox for the custom development, only then this parameter is required. Step 5: “Item” will be added in the “Files/Links” section once the details are filled in Step 4. Please click on this link to test the LTI. Step 6: Please click on the Name to open the integrated URL of MagicBox via LTI. Step 7: MagicBox LTI integration is complete & URL is displayed.

  1. Integration with Moodle

Please refer the following link:

  1. Integration with Blackboard

Please refer the following link:

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
Security Information:
Privacy Policy:
Privacy Policy What information do we collect? We collect following information from children 13 years and younger: Name, Username / Email Address and Profile Picture. We may collect certain non-personal information passively from children, such as the date and time of visit, time spent on the content, Device ID, the type of browser used (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer), the type of operating system used (e.g., Windows 8, Mac OS) and the ISP from which the children receives Internet access. This information may be combined with the personal information. What do we use your information for? Any of the information we collect from children may be used in one of the following ways: To provide an interactive online learning experience To provide content that we believe that the child may be interested in To provide controlled interaction with teachers and colleagues We may use non-personal information such as information about the pages visited to improve the content and focus area of study, or to analyse site usage and the popularity of certain pages of the content We may use non-personal information such as information about the pages visited to improve the content and focus area of study, or to analyse site usage and the popularity of certain pages of the content Do we use cookies? We use cookies and do not pass or capture any personal information apart from username. We do not use cookies (or other non-consensual methods) to acquire contact information about the user or other users of the computer. We may passively collect information on site usage patterns or through content that members, including child members, access on our application. Do we disclose any information to outside parties? We don’t share, rent, or sell information related to children information with third parties. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. Data protection We take steps to protect the information provided or captured against unauthorised access and use The security and confidentiality of the information is extremely important to us. We use robust security measures to protect user information from loss, misuse and alteration. We use industry-standard practices such as encrypted communications, firewalls and password protection systems to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal information. Parent's consent In case of self registration by the child below 13 years, Parent / Guardian should agree to the Privacy Policy while registering the user so that the registered user account can be activated. For the child below 13 years, Parent or guardian's email address captured during child registration by the School is used to notify parents about their kid's access to the application. In that initial notice, parents are provided a link to this privacy policy, and be able to provide consent for their kids to use the application. Only after parent's consent, their kid's account is activated. Contact Us If there are any questions about our privacy practices write to us at: Magic Software Inc. 31W, 34th Street, #7011, 7th Floor, New York NY 10001 USA +1.646.827.9788
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS