Bamboo Learning

Bamboo Learning

by Bamboo Learning
  • Assessment
  • Content
  • Textbooks/eBooks
  • K-6th Grade
  • English
  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Desire2Learn
  • Moodle
  • Sakai
  • Other
  • Schoology
Requires Consumer Key and Secret (click here to generate)

Bamboo Learning is an innovative, ESSA Level III–certified literacy solution offering a delightful collection of grade-leveled fiction and nonfiction books with thousands of voice-enabled, self-paced listening & reading comprehension and language arts activities for students in grades K through 5. Students embark on personalized learning adventures, listening to narrated texts and answering fun in-context comprehension questions along the way, using their voice. These literacy activities are engaging and confidence-building. They follow dialogic reading principles and help boost active listening, vocabulary, narrative, and other foundational literacy skills.

Students will have a magical time with well-known Highlights for Children characters, like Pepe Parrot and Spunky Monkey, and Tex, Indi, their sister Arizona, and their cat named Cow. They’ll discover how the Leopard got his spots, how volcanoes blow off steam, and why Davy Duck was feeling grumpy. They’ll learn fascinating facts about rescuing box turtles, Ellie Mannette creating the steel drum, a Hindu “nine nights” festival, Casper Mamutse making sandals from old tires to help children in Zimbabwe walk to school, and Bessie Coleman’s first flight. They’ll be mesmerized by folktales from Peru, China, India, and other cultures.

Utilizing voice recognition technology and conversational AI, Bamboo Learning is the only digital application that actually understands and accurately evaluates students’ spoken free-form responses, including full sentences, long and short phrases, and single words. The program is intuitive and very easy to navigate; students can use it independently, without requiring assistance from teachers (in the classroom) or parents/caregivers (at home). After the initial setup, Bamboo Learning’s Panda welcomes students to the program and guides them through thousands of listening and reading comprehension activities. The Panda character offers praise and awards tokens for correct answers, gently nudges students to try again in case of incorrect answers, and suggests hints to help them arrive at the correct answer. Engaging sound effects accompany praise, tokens, and hints. Students select books from a menu of grade-leveled titles; the program follows their progress and offers to resume the book where they left off or choose another book upon their return to the program.


Uniqueness: Scaffolded reading experience that follows dialogic reading principles and mimics small group or one-on-one teacher-led read-alouds and discussions

Content: Carefully curated, high-quality fiction and nonfiction content from Highlights for Children and Teacher Created Materials covering a wide range of topics

Expertise: Thousands of activities designed by literacy experts, aligned with the standard K–5 curriculum, and based on research-backed instructional methodology

Choice: Students are encouraged to select grade-leveled books based on their interests and offered a choice of answering questions via voice or touchscreen

Versatility: Perfect resource for use at home and in the classroom that leads to significant language gains in vocabulary building, narrative skills, and comprehension

Installation Instructions

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