We replaced traditional textbooks and ebooks with cost-effective, interactive, analytics-enabled digital content. Our Guided Learning platform provides real-time information to instructors on student engagement with course material, highlighting areas of difficulty and success. To see what courses we offer, please visit: https://www.perceivant.com/courses
To get configuration information (key and secret), please contact jrowe@perceivant.com
To learn more or if you have any questions, email us at jrowe@perceivant.com. For general information, please visit our website www.perceivant.com.
The application is housed in Amazon AWS. Data Center security is handled by AWS. We host in AWS's HIPAA compliant zone for additional data security. Network performance is monitored using Amazon Cloudwatch. 2-factor authenitication is required to access the infrastructure. Data is encrypted at rest and transmitted over https. Every click is recorded within the software. We use LTI to connect to LSMs.