Peer Assess Pro

Peer Assess Pro

by Peer Assess Pro LTD
  • Resource Selection
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  • Assessment
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
  • Moodle
  • Collaboration
  • English

Benefits of Using Peer Assess Pro

Peer Assess Pro enhances the fairness and effectiveness of teamwork using teammate peer assessment. Use Peer Assess Pro to:

  • Eliminate free-riding in group assignments
  • Identify at-risk students and teams
  • Award individual grades in group work based on peer-assessed contribution
  • Develop students' employability capabilities
  • How Does Peer Assess Pro Work

    Step 1: The instructor launches a Peer Assess Pro activity from within the learning management system. The instructor sets the start and end dates for the activity. Students receive notification via the LMS messaging inviting them to take part in the activity.

    Step 2: Students log into the peer assessment activity via the LMS and are presented with a series of quantitative questions that determine the level of psychological safety, contribution to task accomplishment, and contribution to team harmony and leadership. Students are also given the opportunity to provide qualitative feedback to support their quantitative ratings.

    Step 3: Manage the peer assessment. Peer Assess Pro allows the instructor to actively manage the peer assessment activity while it’s in progress. This provides the instructor with the ability to:

  • Identify symptoms of unacceptable rating behavior by teams or individuals. Request resubmissions when appropriate.
  • Proactively identify at-risk students and teams
  • Identify students and teams who may have participated constructively with the assessment, which may include bullying behaviors or simply giving everyone on the team the same marks
  • Remind laggards to submit their peer assessment responses.
  • Publish provisional results for view by students in validly assessed teams, then remedy issues identified by students.
  • Finalize the activity with grades automatically published to the LMS grade book.
  • Launch a Peer Assess Pro peer assessment on Canvas

    Detailed Student Reports

    Peer Assess Pro provides team members with personal reports that encourage timely, constructive conversations around team members’ strengths, team effectiveness, and opportunities to improve a member’s contribution to their team’s future achievement.

    Students receive anonymous qualitative feedback that helps to support the quantitative feedback. This feedback is used to help students further develop their employability capabilities

    Detailed Teacher's Dashboard

    Active Warnings

    Active warnings alert the instructor to such things as at-risk students and teams, potential bullying behaviour, unconstructive engagement with the peer assessment, and whether a team’s peer assessment is valid.

    Advanced Statistics

    Advanced statistics can illustrate to the instructor which areas of teamwork the class needs to focus on.

    Demo Video

    Config Options
    Accessibility Documentation:
    We are currently working on achieving compliance with the internationally recognized accessibility standard WCAG.
    Security Information:
    The app is a software as a service product. The infrastructure is securely hosted on Heroku Platform using a fully managed application service and databases. All communications are encrypted in transport with the TLS protocol.
    Privacy Policy:
    Please read the Privacy policy here:
    Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS