

by Beable
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The Beable® Life-Ready Literacy® System is the revolutionary, multi-dimensional system that closes the gap and accelerates literacy and learning as never before, with proven 5X Lexile growth over expected growth. It’s the first comprehensive platform that advances the whole student by integrating literacy acceleration, intervention response, academic content mastery and English language acquisition with career development, SEL and ACT/SAT prep.

Installation Instructions

To install Beable you need to create an account with Beable first. This will provision an instance of the platform for your organization. Then you need to import your data. Beable supports IMS One Roster file standards among other formats. Once your data is set up on Beable, you need to create an LTI key and install it on the platform using the key configuration that Beable provided you. This will generate a client ID. Next, you should install the app to your platform instance and this will generate a deployment ID. Once you have the client ID and the deployment ID these need to be registered on Beable. With the key installed and the IDs registered on Beable the tool is ready to be used.

Then you need to register the client ID and the deployment ID with Beable and set up the LTI launch request placement (Link placement). Run an import on Beable to match the users on the platform and finally test that the LTI launch request works.

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
We do not use any Canvas APIs for Accessibility
Security Information:
We only use the LTI 1.3 Link launch request (OpenId connect) Please contact to report any security issues.
Privacy Policy:
Our privacy policy is at
LMS API's your app uses:
LTI 1.3 Launch (OpenID Connect) IMS One roster
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS