Use MATLAB and Simulink through your web browser or download to your personal device.
MATLAB and Simulink are available to academic enterprise users of MATLAB (Campus-Wide License, Academic Teaching License, or Community and Technical College License customers).
Simply click the link to the application once it has been added to the course navigation in your course. The single link will open MATLAB in a new browser tab. If the user is currently authenticated using their MathWorks account in their browser, they will be logged into MATLAB automatically. If the user is not logged into a MathWorks account, they will be prompted to log in or create an account.
MathWorks is committed to improving the accessibility of its software products for users with disabilities. The MATLAB VPAT is available at
A MathWorks account is required to access MATLAB. Information about MathWorks security practices can be obtained at the MathWorks Trust Center at
The MathWorks privacy policy is available at: Licensing information for MATLAB is available at:
MATLAB does not use any LMS APIs.