Ad Fontes Media CART (Content Analysis Rating Tool)
Requires Consumer Key and Secret (click here to generate)Educators who are familiar with Ad Fontes Media’s famous Media Bias Chart(R) can now use this platform to teach students how to create their own Media Bias Charts. Using their critical thinking skills, students can rate real news articles for reliability and bias and learn to distinguish real news from opinion and misleading information.
CART includes student and instructor materials on our methodology for evaluating news content. Teachers can use current events articles selected by Ad Fontes Media or assign any article they choose. Reporting features allow teachers to see, at a glance, how well students evaluate news content and how they use their reasoning to support their conclusions.
At this time, this app hasn't been audited by Instructure for accessibility compliance. This is currently being planned and we will update the status of this application when completed.
This app utilizes LTI 1.0. No Canvas APIs are used.