The Accredible platform lets you automatically create, manage, and distribute digital certificates or open badges directly from your Canvas instance. Students can access their credentials while logged in to Canvas and they can be delivered to students via Canvas or via email.
Digital credentials are more accessible and share-able via social media, directing interested viewers back towards your learners’ achievements and your course website. Track recipient engagement to see shares, additional traffic to your webpage. And, allow students to save and print a PDF for their wall at home.
Issue them automatically based on course completion criteria you set for your Canvas courses.
A video of the Canvas student experience can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/2DM32gRevgA
A video tutorial on how to install and start using the app: https://accredible.wistia.com/medias/om0kpt9dh4
We’re actively developing this Canvas integration and are always looking for feedback & suggestions. Please let us know what you’d like to see at support@accredible.com
Output Digital Certificates or Open Badges
The Integration
Installing this integration into your Canvas instance will:
Let you add an item to any module where Canvas Students can receive and view their badge or certificate.
Teachers within a course may click the item within a module to update the badge or certificate settings.
Add a Placement for students within their profile so that they can click on the link and automatically be authorized to view and update their certificates and badges.
Automatically sync your Canvas course information when the item has been added with Accredible.
Automatically create certificates or badges when a student clicks the item within a module.
Completion Criteria
You can define completion criteria for a certificate or badge by changing your course module settings in Canvas so that the Accredible item you add is only accessible to students who complete the required steps.
Make sure you add teachers and other Canvas admins via their email address to the Accredible account you connect. Otherwise we won’t be able to give teachers access to edit and update credentials.
You’ll need to create or select a certificate or badge design before being able to send a credential for a course.
Credentials will be unapproved when the data is first transferred to Accredible because we don’t have a certificate design or badge design for the groups that Canvas created. Once you’ve assigned a design to a group new credentials will be automatically published.
Before starting plugin installation, you will need to create an Accredible account. During the installation you’ll be switching between your Canvas LMS instance and this Accredible Settings page: https://eu.dashboard.accredible.com/issuer/dashboard/integrations/canvas?utm_source=integration&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=eduappcenter_setup_link_eu
If you need assistance with your installation email us at: support@accredible.com.
App installation:
In Canvas, under the menu on the left side bar, the site administrator can select ‘Admin’ and then the account they would like to use.
Click ‘Settings’ in the left menu and then select the ‘Apps’ tab at the top.
When in the app center, the site administrator can search for the Accredible external application in the search bar on the right side.
Clicking on the application selects it and gives the option to add the tool to the Canvas apps center. Click ‘+ Add App’.
Visit https://eu.dashboard.accredible.com/issuer/dashboard/integrations/canvas?utm_source=integration&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=eduappcenter_setup_link_eu to find your consumer key and shared secret from Accredible. Input these into the form. Name the app ‘Accredible’.
Go to https://eu.dashboard.accredible.com/issuer/dashboard/integrations/canvas?utm_source=integration&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=eduappcenter_setup_link_eu and enter your Canvas Instance URL into the URL field at the bottom of the form.
For each badge or certificate you’d like to add:
Go to a course within Canvas where you’d like to add the certificate or badge item.
Click ‘+’ in modules to add a new item to the module and select ‘External Tool’ from the drop down menu. Click ‘Accredible’ and press ‘Add Item’.
Click the new item in the course and you’ll see a menu. Select Manage Certificate Design or Manage Badge Design to choose which design you’d like to use.
We can help you install this integration over a call. Please email support@accredible.com and we’ll schedule a time that suits you .