Scientific Minds

Scientific Minds

  • Assessment
  • Content
  • Science
  • Study Helps
  • K-6th Grade
  • 7th-12th Grade
  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Desire2Learn
  • Moodle
  • Sakai
  • Other
  • Schoology
Requires Consumer Key and Secret

Scientific Minds provides supplemental teaching and learning tools for grade 3-12 science that can be embedded into your LMS courses. Using research-based strategies that follow the 5E instructional model, Scientific Minds combines traditional teaching techniques with online content to offer blended learning solutions. Scientific Minds is the sole source of all published content, including the Science Sidekicks for grades 3-5 (includes English and Spanish), Science Starters for grades 6-8, Biology, and Chemistry. A Scientific Minds subscription is required. Contact Scientific Minds at for more information.

Installation Instructions

Installation instructions, including the required consumer key and secret, will be provided by Scientific Minds.

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
Scientific Minds is committed to providing tools for all learners. All lesson modules include audio with read-along text and guided notes. While accessibility standards are a priority, compliance has not been formally endorsed.
Security Information:
This app utilizes LTI 1.1. No Canvas APIs are used. The application allows users to search for content in our product and embed inside Canvas and other learning management systems.
Privacy Policy:
LMS API's your app uses:
This app utilizes LTI 1.1. No LMS APIs are used.
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS