StudyForge provides comprehensive digital courses in your LMS. With complete curriculum, actionable real-time insights, and captivating content we produce online learning with better than classroom results.
As online teachers we know the pain when students check out before they reach out, so we created tools to help you personalize your interactions with students and to reach out to them. StudyForge tracks every click, tap, touch, drag and drop a student makes so you can coach them more effectively. Answer the question - who needs my help today? StudyForge crunches the numbers daily to see proactively who you should reach out to, with views to see how an entire class is progressing or focus on individual students.
At the end of the day, it’s all about the content. We’ve built our award-winning library of courses around the best research in the cognitive load model of learning. Our content sticks and that means less unnecessary questions and more time in your day. Want to add in your own content, questions or assignments? Our tool allows you to fully customize any of our complete courses.
How do I install a StudyForge course in Canvas? All the steps you need to get your StudyForge course up and running in Canvas today.
Part 1: Installing (Importing) a Course in Canvas
Step 1: Dashboard 1. Log in to your Canvas account and make sure you’re on the dashboard. 2. Click Start a New Course.
Step 2: Start a New Course 1. Enter the Course Name. 2. Next click on Create Course.
Step 3: Courses 1. Click Add existing content.
Step 4: Import Content 1. For Content Type, choose Canvas Course Export Package. 2. Click the Choose File button and select the StudyForge course shell you have already downloaded. (Please contact us if you don’t have this file.) 3. Select the All content radio button. 4. Click Import.
Part 2: Adding StudyForge as an LTI Tool in Canvas The instructions below will add the StudyForge settings to the course level. If you have multiple StudyForge courses then we highly recommend adding the tool once for your whole institution at the site level, and delete any tool settings created within the course. This is available to Canvas paid users.
Step 1: Settings 1. Click Settings. If you don’t see Settings navigate to the course you want to add StudyForge as an LTI tool to. 2. Select the Apps tab. 3. Then click on View App Configurations.
Step 2: External Apps 1. Click on the StudyForge settings icon. 2. Click Edit.
Step 3: Edit App 1. Enter StudyForge as the Name if it isn’t already there. 2. Enter your Consumer Key and Secret. Don’t enter anything into the Launch URL. 3. Make sure that the Domain is 4. Finally click Submit.
StudyForge student experiences are WCAG 2.0 AA compliant
StudyForge adheres to industry standards for security, implementing 3rd party security tests and risk assessments.
1. Privacy Act Compliance
StudyForge adheres to the requirements and upholds the values and intentions of PIPEDA, FERPA, PIPA and all other federal, state, and provincial laws from the jurisdictions in which it does business.
2. Personal Information Collected
The following data is supplied by the Education Authority to StudyForge and is the only personal identifiable information (PII) stored within the StudyForge Platform:
Student Name
Student Email
Teacher Name
Teacher Email
No other personal information about the users is collected by StudyForge.
3. Purpose of Information Collected
Student name is collected for the sole purpose of allowing teachers to identify students within the Platform. Student email is collected to notify students of when teacher grading has occurred. Teacher email is collected in order to notify teachers of student progress and attempts. In addition, StudyForge will use teacher emails to give notice of scheduled outages and upgrades. StudyForge will also give teachers the opportunity to opt into its product newsletter.
4. Student Information Generated within Platform
In addition to the PII uploaded by schools, StudyForge stores user generated information (UGI) within the platform from the following student activity:
Using the StudyForge Question Workspace
Using the Desmos Graphing Calculator
Using StudyForge Interactives
Answering multiple choice questions within StudyForge Activities
Answering written questions within StudyForge Activities
Responding via video or audio within StudyForge Activities
Uploading files within StudyForge Activities
5. Data Ownership
All information and data relating to the Education Authority and the Students, including but not limited to all personal information uploaded on the Platform and created by users within the Platform as described in section 2 and 4 of this policy, shall be the exclusive property of the Education Authority. No act shall be deemed to transfer or assign the ownership of any such information or data to StudyForge.
6. Third Party Data Sharing
StudyForge does not share any student identifiable information with any third parties, ever. In the cases where StudyForge requires UGI to be used with third party APIs, all personal identifiable information is obfuscated from such third parties. StudyForge warrants that all third party APIs are held to the same privacy standards as laid out in this policy.