BLENDING EDUCATION’s library of digital educational resources is brimming with “on-demand” microlearning lessons for secondary and higher education in Science, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Humanities, College Success, Business, Law, and Advanced Placement (AP®). Tap our learning repository to get instant, self-grading lessons that work seamlessly within your course in Canvas.
We offer thousands of lessons in over 40 courses that are aligned with OpenStax, NGSS, TEKS, and Common Core, and new courses are constantly being added. When you install the BLENDING EDUCATION App, you’ll get FREE instant access to hundreds of lessons from every one of our courses! You can continue to use our free resources or purchase courses, packages or the entire library of learning resources.
The free BLENDING EDUCATION App must be added to your Canvas on an institutional level. You must first create a Developer Key, then supply us with your generated Client ID. You can then install the BLENDING EDUCATION App and start using it once we have verified your Client ID.
1) As an Administrator, choose Admin > Developer Keys
2) Choose + Developer Key, then + LTI Key
3) Use following Key Settings:
Under Configure, Method, select Enter URL from the drop-down menu.
In the JSON URL field, enter:
Key Name: Your Institution Name
Owner Email: Your Email
Redirect URIs: Enter both of these URLs, on separate lines:
Choose Save. This will create your Developer Key with your Client ID.
4) In the State column, choose ON to turn your Developer Key ON. Copy your Client ID. Just copy the numerical ID shown under 'Details' (don't choose 'Show Key') and email it to, along with your name, institution name, Canvas/LMS URL, and phone number. We will contact you as soon as we add your Client ID to our Library. You can then add the BLENDING EDUCATION App using your Client ID and start using the free lessons (and courses or the full library if you have purchased it).
5) Once you receive confirmation from us, you can install the BLENDING EDUCATION App on the institutional level as an Administrator:
Choose Admin > Settings
Choose Apps
Choose View App Configurations
Choose + App
Under Configuration Type, choose By Client ID from the drop-down list.
Enter your Client ID.
Choose Submit.
The BLENDING EDUCATION App is now available in your system.
Adding BLENDING EDUCATION App Resources to a Course in Canvas (Teachers)
1) In your course in Canvas, add a new Assignment: Select Assignments then + Assignment
2) Enter the following settings:
Assignment Name: Enter the name of your assignment.
Add a description (optional).
Change the Points value to 100.
In Submission Type, choose External Tool from the drop-down list.
Select the Find button, and then choose the Blending Education App.
The Resource Selector appears. You can select a resource or search for resources in the
search box.
Select the resource you want, then choose Select.
Choose the Select button again.
Submission attempts: All resources allow just one attempt, regardless of how many
attempts you specify here. If you would like students to have more attempts, then you
can add additional instances of the resource.
Choose Save and Publish.
The resource is now added to your course, and a grades column is created! Grades will automatically appear once students have completed the lesson.
For questions or support, contact