Always Connected

Always Connected

by Always Education, LLC
  • Course Nav
  • Community
  • Study Helps
  • Web 2.0
  • 7th-12th Grade
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Desire2Learn
  • Moodle
  • Sakai
  • Schoology
  • Collaboration
  • English
  • Español
  • Français
  • Português
Requires Consumer Key and Secret

AlwaysConnected LTI Plugin is designed to help faculty and students get more out of their LMS by adding the power of modern communication technologies into your LMS to humanize the online classroom. By expanding the capabilities of the existing LMS, it enables the faculty and students to engage in rich discussions, make relevant connections for peer to peer learning and communicate seamlessly

AlwaysConnected LTI Plugin will increase participation at the department level, enabling deploying best teaching and learning practices across departmental courses to combat attrition. Its analytics dashboard based on behavioral data will identify students at risk enabling early intervention.

“This is a technological break-through to better learning outcomes. The model will revolutionize the core of the educational system—the course—from within and transform it into an engine that powers not only the individual student learning experience, but also faculty pedagogical expertise and institutional administrative capacity.” - Dr. Richard Harknett Head of Political Science dept, University of Cincinnati

Faculty and students benefit from this tool by enabling faculty to respond to students’ questions quickly using text messaging instead of email; offering virtual office hours anytime, anywhere using its built in video conferencing.

Generation Z students will find this new learning environment simplifying their learning by enabling each student to learn what they have in common with each other to establish meaningful academic relationships. Students will know which classmates can benefit them most to ask course and assignment related questions and build study groups for powerful collaboration.

Start benefiting from the power of AlwaysConnected today to get more out of your LMS and own new behavioral data.

please visit us at AlwaysConnected

Installation Instructions

To obtain your secret and consumer key please contact us at

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
Information about Accessibility can be found at:
Security Information:
Information about our Security can be found at:
Privacy Policy:
Information about our privacy policy and Terms of Use can be found at:
LMS API's your app uses:
The current version of this app only uses LTI capabilities, therefore no API access is needed.
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS