

by Serendipify DevTeam
  • Community
  • Postsecondary
  • Collaboration
  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Desire2Learn
  • Moodle
  • Sakai
  • Other
  • Schoology
Requires Consumer Key and Secret (click here to generate)

Serendipify.Me helps academic institutions to augment the value of the education they deliver, by better positioning for success the people in their community.

We enable universities, colleges, professional schools, etc., to empower and grow their community’s human capital (students, faculty, alumni), by uncovering collaborations and opportunities to launch profitable partnerships.

We run customizable matching engines, which take our user’s actionable (activity focused) interests, and identify for them the potential opportunities for partnering up, to jointly pursue their goals and passions.

Installation Instructions

SerendipifyMe is a matching engines platform. You use it to set up and run your (organization’s) matching instances.
We provide LTI based authentication so that you can automatically log in your LMS users into your matching instances. Additionally, LTI uses a key/secret security mechanism with requires manual setup.
The official documentation including LTI setup is available here
The short version is: <ol> <li>decide what matching instance do you want to set up, and what group of your community (students, alumni, etc) will be invited to participate <li>email us at to provide you with the setup, keys, and to ensure a seamless integration into your LMS </ol>

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
SerendipifyMe is a web and mobile friendly application. At this point there are no special accessibility provisions and functionality for our users.
Security Information:
Serendipify.Me enforces https data traffic. We are hosted in the Google cloud, which provides strong encryption both at-rest and in-flight. We use key/secret authorization for all our customers and LTI integrations.
Privacy Policy:
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS