Integrate your syllabus or teaching plans designed using Blox Plataform into any LMS that supports LTI.
Please contact the IT Department of your institution in order to aquire the Consumer Key and Secret.
The email address of the user using this LTI tool must be the same used in Blox Platform in order to authenticate.
After, just copy the “Internal ID” of your syllabus/teaching plan and provided into the “Config Options”.
Peerceptiv documentation available on request at the email
- Blox doesn't stores any Personal Identifiable Information (PII). - The application is behind a firewall.
- All communication is under HTTPS protocol for secure transmission of data.
- Blox follow the lastest requirements by the brizilian law LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados / General Law for Data Protection).
- Blox Education has and will continue to implement appropriate technical and organizational information security measures and standards as we have determined are required to meet or exceed current best practices and industry standards to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk.
Please refer to this link in order to access our Privacy Policy: