dropthought feedback v2.0 (Beta)

dropthought feedback v2.0 (Beta)

by Richard Lourdu
  • Homework Submission
  • Assessment
  • 7th-12th Grade
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
Requires Consumer Key and Secret (click here to generate)

dropthought is a super simple application that lets professors collect feedback from students during an assignment. With dropthought, student satisfaction increases and professors receive actionable feedback on how to improve the design of their course. Contact cs@dropthought.com to get a dropthought account.  Once you have created a survey on dropthought platform, you can download the companion app ie dropthought for Instructor v2.0 to map the survey to the assignment . You can then publish the survey to your assignment. Depending on how the survey has been set up, students can provide feedback either anonymously or non anonymously. Once feedback has been provided, professors can log into dropthought dashboard to see student feedback. Professors can track metrics over time and segment student feedback by various metadata passed by canvas. dropthought is committed to provide an easy way for students with disabilities to provide feedback. dropthought is designed to work well with screen readers, magnifications tools and other technologies commonly used by people with vision impairment.dropthought adheres with the WCAG 2.0 standard for web accessibility.

Installation Instructions

This app currently works only with Canvas LMS. Search for “dropthought feedback v2.0” in the marketplace for LTI Apps. Add to your account. Please get API token from dropthought dashboard “Account” page and provide for Consumer Key. For Consumer Secret use dropthought.

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
This app supports ADA level AA.
Security Information:
1. We use ssl/tls for secure communication. 2. We expire the access tokens on a hourly basis. It could be revoked by the user if needed 3. The access tokens are securely managed by Google Oauth Client available here https://github.com/googleapis/google-oauth-java-client
Privacy Policy:
You could find dropthought's privacy policy here https://www.dropthought.com/privacy-policy
LMS API's your app uses:
Gradepassback API is used to pass the grade for assignment completed by the student.
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS