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Requires Consumer Key and Secret

PaperScorer is a full service bubble scanning platform that empowers teachers to quickly and easily create bubble sheets, scan bubble sheets and review the data.

We have deep integrations with a number of powerful LMS platforms; Canvas, Blackboard, Google Classrooms, Classify Learning, and much more. Let us do the heavy lifting for you. Once you scan sheets with your iOS or Android smartphone or tablet, we will send auto scored data directly into assignments or tests created on those platform. This application will work on any Apple iOS or Google Android smartphone or tablet released in the last 3-4 years. You will not have to worry about buying expensive scanning equipment. Simply use your own smart phone to scan completed sheets using the PaperScorer app.

You can manage assessments online through our teacher app. This app is very powerful and easy to use when creating/managing classes and assessments. Teachers will be able to create assessments with the following question types; single select, multi select, numeric response and written response. Once assessments are completed, teachers will use the iOS or Android scanning app to get score data into our system.

Our bubble sheets on printed on standard 8.5x11 sheets of paper. There is no need to buy special paper. You can use any standard printer to print sheets where students can fill in their ID, or you can print sheets with student information already pre-filled. Furthermore, our iOS or Android app will automatically detect our sheets to make it really easy to scan completed tests. If you have a lot of sheets to scan, you can use a bulk sheet scanner and send us a file with all your sheets at once. You can upload this file through our online app or you can send us an email with an attachment. PaperScorer will process large files for you so you don’t have to scan individual sheets.

Once scanning is complete, you can review the results online using our detailed reports. PaperScorer allows teachers to add common core standards to any question, and the teacher app will support tagging questions to slice data differently. Teachers can also export the data to review scanned information within an external reporting tool. For those using Canvas, Blackboard or Google Classroom, students will see results immediately in their account for further review. Behind the scenes, PaperScorer is automatically importing test scores directly into your digital grade book.

Finally, you can assign printable quizzes to students for at-home work. Students and parents can scan the sheets using the free PaperScorer app or any home scanner. Those at home scanned sheets will automatically appear in your account.

Installation Instructions

We have a full setup guide on how to create connection into our PaperScorer app. Review the setup guide for connecting to the PaperScorer app. This will walk you through the process of creating a consumer key and consumer secret.

If you are running into issues, you can reach out to or submit a support ticket.

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
Security Information:
Privacy Policy:
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS