Introducing Canvas Outcomes Assessment
Assessment without boundaries for learning without limits
Become a bona fide effectiveness detective. With Outcomes Assessment, you can evaluate the impact of course, program, and institution initiatives by examining student artifacts within Folios. This not only simplifies the assessment of student outcomes, it proves institutional value by showcasing evidence of learning and skill mastery.
We chose Portfolium for its unique ability to measure the skills earned at a variety of levels and better evaluate the career readiness of Dougherty students.
I trained myself to navigate the system in just a few minutes - that’s what i call easy. The seamless integration with Canvas, our learning management system, was the icing on the cake.
– John Kinsella, Instructional Technologist at The University of St. Thomas.
Learn more about our happy customers and read their case studies in how Portfolium is helping them with their assessment and accreditation needs.
Portfolium Assessment has all the features you need for your faculty and administration
Tools & Navigation
Reporting & Dashboards
Data Sync & Authentication
Admin & Settings
Student Portfolium example:
Faculty Portfolium example:
For more information and a demo, please visit this page and complete the request a demo form.
To obtain a Consumer Key and Secret, please visit the Portfolium Canvas Integration Site.