

by Drieam
  • Course Nav
  • User Nav
  • Account Nav
  • Assessment
  • Study Helps
  • K-6th Grade
  • 7th-12th Grade
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
  • Collaboration
  • English
  • Nederlands
Requires Consumer Key and Secret
IMS Global Certification from

StudyCoach adds the role of a coach to the Learning Management System Canvas, providing coaches with a dashboard to identify students that need extra attention, zoom in on their learning behavior & outcomes and proactively engage with the student to collaborate on their progress towards success.

1. Identify students at-risk

Use learning analytics to easily identify students that might need guidance, using a student-centered dashboard with insights into learning behavior across courses.

2. Zoom in to the student dashboard

Dive into an individual student’s learning behavior indicators, learning outcomes and coaching history to get a complete picture of student progress towards success.

3. Engage proactively with the student

Use insights about learning behavior & outcomes as a conversation starter to engage with the student and to provide personal guidance to stimulate study-success.

4. Collaborate on student success

Offer integral guidance by collaborating between student, (department) coaches and teacher to follow up on a student’s progress. Even future coaches can see the coaching history with a student.

Schedule a demo to see StudyCoach in action

More information?

Find more information on or contact us at

Installation Instructions

Contact us for a demo at or to get an account set up.

For detailed installation instructions, refer to our [knowledge base]

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
At this time, this app hasn't been audited for accessibility compliance.
Security Information:
Drieam follows the LTI and OAuth standards and is certified for this by IMS. More information is available on our site at and in our SLA and DPA documents. These documents are available on request.
Privacy Policy:
We are GDPR compliant. Please see our privacy policy here:
LMS API's your app uses:
Account Provisioning Reports, Account Grade Reports, Course assignments, Account users, Course activity, Conversations, Learning Outcomes and Results.
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS