

by ChemVantage LLC
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IMS Global Certification from

ChemVantage provides General Chemistry placement exams, quizzes, homework assignments, practice exams, video lectures and in-class polls that keep students engaged in the work!

Parameterized questions ensure that students cannot share answers, but can teach each other the algorithms for solving the problems.

You may obtain a free set of LTI credentials at

Research conducted at a flagship research university shows that students who earn at least 50% of the points on ChemVantage assignments pass General Chemistry (C- or better) with 97% probability.

Installation Instructions

ChemVantage supports the LTI Advantage Complete specifications. Instructors at public and nonprofit institutions can initiate the registration process at You will receive email with detailed instructions for your Canvas account administrator to complete the installation.

Once the installation is complete, you should login to Canvas as the Instructor, create a new assignment, e.g. Quiz - Heat and Enthalpy, and select ChemVantage as the external tool. Select a ChemVantage assignment and topic from the popup window and click the red Select button. We recommended assigning 10 points for each quiz or homework, and 100 points for each practice exam.

Accessibility Documentation:
ChemVantage is committed to providing accessible content for its users. The site is in substantial compliance with The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as measured by Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, which is our target level of compliance. If you experience difficulty accessing any ChemVantage resource or if you have questions or suggestions regarding accessibility of our site, please let us know through the ChemVantage Feedback Page or by sending email to
Security Information:
ChemVantage has earned the IMS Global Trusted App Data Privacy Certification for its Privacy Policy and practices, which protect users' personally identifiable information (PII). The certification number is IMSP1ce2022W1. Users connect to ChemVantage through your institution's LMS, and ChemVantage returns all user scores to the LMS, so we don't store any user PII on our servers. That way, your information is 100% secure.
Privacy Policy:
ChemVantage protects its users' privacy to the maximum extent that allows the site to function as designed. - Personally identifiable information (PII) - Except for LMS administrators and people who contact ChemVantage directly (e.g., to establish an account or to request a response to feedback), ChemVantage does not store any user PII. No names, no passwords, no addresses, no phone numbers. ChemVantage does not process, collect or store any user credit card or financial information whatsoever. - Digital Tracking - ChemVantage does not use cookies, web analytics, web beacons, pixel tags or any other type of digital tracking devices. We do not store information about IP addresses, locations, or browser information of our users. We do not display any advertisements or enter into any service agreements with third party advertisers. - User IDs - During each user's session, ChemVantage issues a secure token that is linked to an opaque user ID to ensure both privacy and security. For LTI users, this ID is provided by the learning management system (LMS). LTI is a secure messaging and communications standard developed by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. LTI connects students and instructors with educational service providers. ChemVantage is a certified LTI provider. Users who enter ChemVantage through our home page are assigned a random ID number and are informed that they are participating as anonymous users. - Data and Information Collected - ChemVantage collects and stores data and information about the quizzes, homework assignments and practice exams that are downloaded by our users, including customized assignments, individual responses to question items, assignment scores and timestamps. All data and information transmitted to or from ChemVantage are protected by TLS/SSL encryption while in transit, and are stored in encrypted form on Google Cloud Datastore servers while at rest. All user data are solely owned by the user and may be deleted upon request to - How We Use Data and Information that We Collect - For LTI users, individual user scores, data and information are available to the user, the instructor (as identified by the LMS) and to the LMS administrators. User scores may be reported by ChemVantage directly back to the LMS grade book via the LTI Outcomes Service if this service is supported by the LMS. For all users, including anonymous users entering the site through our home page, we use scores, responses and user comments/feedback to improve the quality of individual question items in the site as well as site navigation and user experience. We also use timestamps to automatically delete user data and LMS accounts after one year of inactivity. - Information That We Share - We will access, use, preserve, and/or disclose user information if we reasonably believe it necessary to satisfy a valid and legally enforceable warrant, subpoena, court order, law or regulation, or other judicial or administrative order. Otherwise, ChemVantage does not and will not share any user data or information with anyone except the user's LMS and with instructors and administrators who are identified by the LMS through the LTI interface. - Google reCAPTCHA - ChemVantage uses the Google reCAPTCHA tool on its LTI registration page to detect bots and prevent spam and abuse. To register your LMS with ChemVantage you must accept the Google reCAPTCHA Terms of Service and the Google API Terms of service. This is not required of users who are accessing ChemVantage resources through the LTI interface (i.e., students and instructors) or users who enter ChemVantage through the home page anonymously.
LMS API's your app uses:
ChemVantage uses the LTI Advantage interface with LMS platforms.
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS