As your K-12 district makes its conversion to digital, there are a lot of moving parts to take into account. icurio’s learning engagement solution makes things much simpler. icurio provides easy access to Knovation’s dynamic collection of 360,000+ curated, educator-vetted, standards-aligned, tagged OER resources combined with tools to design and deliver digital lessons and activities that allow teachers to address different learning needs, get real-time insight into student understanding and provide personalized feedback.
Contact Knovation for a consumer key and shared secret.
Find Curated Open Educational Resources
Make the shift to digital for about 1/10th the cost of a textbook with 360,000 curated, contextualized, standards-aligned open educational resources from a broad range of content providers.
Deliver Resources and Activities to Students
The lesson building tools in icurio enable teachers to easily construct effective digital lessons and learning experiences that meet individual student needs. Then seamlessly deliver activities to students on a wide range of devices.
Monitor Student Progress
Teachers can easily see the progress for each student and can provide targeted feedback, redirection and enrichment—keeping students motivated, focused and actively learning throughout every learning moment.
Contact Knovation for a consumer key and shared secret.