

by DropThought
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  • Web 2.0
  • Completely Free
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
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  • Schoology
Requires Consumer Key and Secret (click here to generate)

Formative student feedback on activities, assignments, and content throughout the school term

DropThought’s real-time feedback platform is free for instructors, students, and the institution. Sign up today!

See it in action by watching this video, or visit our higher education landing page.

Our instant feedback platform lets instructors capture feedback on specific activities and content in the moment while the students' mindshare is still on those activities. Feedbacks consist of a single comment and rating (both required). The feedbacks display in a dashboard in a separate website from the LMS. Feedbacks are displayed to the instructor anonymously and privately but the student contact info in the back end enables real-time, two-way interaction between instructor and students if desired. DropThought works well for feedback and learning reflections in any learning environment whether face-to-face, blended, or online.

  • A DropThought Feedback Channel launches as a standalone external tool link or an external tool submission type in an assignment. DropThought is most commonly used for feedback and reflections on other activities/assignments. Instructors add multiple channels to their course (e.g. one per module, one per assignment, etc.).

DropThought Instant Feedback Widget

  • The Mobile App enables organic anytime/anywhere feedback from students as well as custom questions pushed to students’ mobile devices.

DropThought Mobile App

  • In the DropThought Dashboard, Instructors review and interact with feedback organized by assignment, time and sentiment. The DT Manager App enables instructors to review and reply to feedbacks on the go.

DropThought Dashboard and Mobile App

DropThought’s research-driven approach has led to cutting-edge inquiry in the Sloan-C Blended Learning Conferences, NSF Grant studies, and a partnership with Quality Matters for researching the effects of quality assurance on student experience. DropThought is currently being used by faculty at over 180 institutions across the United States.

To get started please sign up for DropThought to receive a key and secret. In Canvas, DropThought can be installed at the account-level or on an individual basis.

Installation Instructions

Please refer to our help center for installation instructions.

Accessibility Documentation:
Security Information:
Privacy Policy:
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS