

by SmarterServices, LLC
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  • Assessment
  • K-6th Grade
  • 7th-12th Grade
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Desire2Learn
  • Moodle
  • Sakai
  • Other
  • Schoology
Requires Consumer Key and Secret
IMS Global Certification from

SmarterMeasure indicates the degree to which an individual student possesses the attributes, skills and knowledge that contribute to success including the following non-cognitive factors:

  • * Self motivation
  • * Time management skills
  • * Self discipline
  • * On-screen Reading Rate and Recall
  • * Persistence
  • * Availability of time
  • * Ability to use a laptop, printer, software, and the Internet
  • * Typing speed and accuracy

There are two versions of the SmarterMeasure Learning Readiness Indicator available (1) Higher Education and (2) Secondary School. The higher education version is designed for undergraduate and graduate students at colleges and universities. This version is also appropriate for use at technical and career colleges. The secondary school version is developmentally appropriate for high school students. Multiple reading passages exist for students in grades 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and college.

SmarterMeasure does not rely on simple self-assessment questions with obvious “right” and “wrong” answers. Rather, SmarterMeasure uses a sequence of activities to measure the degree to which students possess the traits needed for success in studying at a distance, hybrid and/or a technology rich course.

SmarterMeasure provides an immediate score and diagnostic interpretation of results to the student and to their prospective school.

SmarterMeasure includes seven major assessment components which measure:

  • + Individual Attributes - motivation, procrastination, willingess to ask for help, etc.
  • + Life Factors - Availability of time, support from family and employers, finances, etc.
  • + Learning styles - Based on the multiple intelligences model
  • + Technical Competency - Skills using technology
  • + Technical Knowledge - Knowledge of technology terms
  • + On-screen Reading Rate and Recall
  • + Typing Speed and Accuracy
Installation Instructions

Step 1: Obtaining Account Credentials

  • If you are a current customer, contact your SmarterMeasure account manager to obtain your consumer key and secret.

  • If you are a new customer, contact SmarterMeasure sales for further product information.

Step 2: Adding To LMS

  • To install the LTI tool into your LMS you may follow the instructions for your LMS located at
  • When you are at the point of adding the Configuration URL, please use the URL that is provided on this page.
  • Once the link has been added to the course, you will need to click the link to configure the assessment. You will be taken to the assessment configuration screen, make any required changes and then click “Activate” at the bottom.
  • At this point the assessment will be ready for use.
Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
Security Information:
Privacy Policy:
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS