Badgr Pathways Australia

Badgr Pathways Australia

by Badgr Team
  • Course Nav
  • 7th-12th Grade
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Desire2Learn
  • Moodle
  • Sakai
  • Other
  • Schoology
Requires Consumer Key and Secret (click here to generate)

A Badgr Pro subscription is required for the Pathways LTI. When combined with Badgr Pathways, badges become keys that can unlock new learning opportunities and signify milestones on a student’s lifelong learning journey. Pathways are stackable, easy-to-understand visual maps that help learners understand where they are and what to do next. Badgr Pathways are part of a paid subscription plan. Contact us for more information.

You may use the Badgr Pathways Australia LTI in conjunction with the Badgr Australia for Canvas LTI.

Installation Instructions

A Badgr Pro subscription is required. Contact us for pricing.

The following instructions for installing the Badgr Pathways LTI are also provided in the Badgr Knowledge Base.

1. Sign in to Badgr.

2. From the Apps dropdown menu, select Pathways.

3. A new window will open to the Pathways app. If prompted, sign in.

4. Go to the “My Issuers” area in the Pathways app.

5. Select the Issuer that manages the Pathway you wish to add to your course.

6. Select the ellipsis that corresponds with the Pathway you wish to add to your course.

7. Choose LTI Integrations.

8. From the LTI Integrations page, you can manage integrations or add a new one. Select Add Integration.

9. Give your new integration a meaningful name and select the type of integration you are creating.

10. In a separate browser tab, go to the desired Canvas account, sub-account or course, then choose Settings in the left-hand menu.

11. Use the EduAppCenter within Canvas to add the Badgr Pathways app.

12. Copy and paste the Consumer Key and Secret (Shared Secret) from the Badgr Pathways dialog box and paste into your Canvas integration.

13. Select Done, then refresh the browser window.

14. Pathways will now appear in the course navigation menu at left. Click this item to view your Pathway.

15. Students who access the Pathways menu in a course will automatically be added to a group and subscribed to the Pathway.

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
Security Information:
Badgr collects only low-risk personal data, limited to first name, last name, email address and Badges earned. Badgr Pathways Australia uses Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) Australia-based availability zones. All data, backups, replicas, and infrastructure are isolated to the region where they are hosted. Open Badges, by their nature, are designed to be externally available and contain minimal personal information. For instance, recipient identifiers like email addresses are obfuscated in awarded badges via a one-way hash. Relevant directory information categories covering awards and achievements should be published by institutions subject to FERPA guidelines.
Privacy Policy:
LMS API's your app uses:
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS