LearnMax is a cloud-based integrated tool designed for conducting live online classes and creating video lessons that can be viewed on demand. It does not require downloads, plugins or installation, and it seamlessly integrates into Canvas and other LMSs that support LTI. LearnMax is ideal for a variety of applications including Distance Learning, Flipped Classroom, Lecture Capture, Video Management, and eLearning Days. Its easy-to-use and intuitive functions can be used by educators and students without prior experience.
Please contact Teknimedia Corporation at
https://www.learnmax.com/html/request-info.aspPlease see <A href="https://www.learnmax.com/guides/LearnMax-Accessibility.pdf">https://www.learnmax.com/guides/LearnMax-Accessibility.pdf</A>
LearnMax by Teknimedia Corporation is based on the latest web security standards. Mozilla Observatory (<A href="https://observatory.mozilla.org">https://observatory.mozilla.org</A>) gives learnmax.com a grade of A+.</A>
Teknimedia strives to keep its software and data secure and protected from outside intrusion. The company's web sites and servers are hosted by a cloud hosting company that provides DDoS protection, geo-redundancy, and firewall protection. A Secure Sockets Layer certificate is used to provide encrypted data transfer between web servers and client browsers.
The data passed from a Learning Management System to Teknimedia's LearnMax through an LTI connection does not include user passwords or e-mail addresses, therefore this information is not stored in Teknimedia's databases.
Please see <A href="https://www.learnmax.com/html/privacy_policy.asp">https://www.learnmax.com/html/privacy_policy.asp</A>