Varafy is an affordable, innovative online STEM homework and assessment platform incorporating advanced technologies which support student success. As an OpenStax Partner, Varafy supports OpenStax Science and Math textbooks including College Physics, University Physics and College Physics for AP. Varafy’s algorithmic platform ensures instructors have access to unique practice, homework and assessments problems - for online or print use. All STEM illustrations authored in Varafy are dynamically rendered to scale to provide rich content. Instructors can easily create their own homework or assessment problems in Varafy. Varafy’s AI driven Free-Body Diagram Assessor - provides hints to students - was recognized by the Association of Test Publishers as a top 5 innovative assessment product for 2018.
Varafy is committed to developing products that can be accessed by all learners, including those with disabilities. We strive to create a culture which considers those with differing learning and access needs. Varafy is making efforts to have all new content and software follow the WCAG version 2.0 guidelines and best practices. To achieve this, we leverage our skilled developers and engage with external parties and partners to solicit continuous feedback. Please contact for furth accessibility details.
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LTI 1.1 spec compliant. Utilizes Deep Linking (Content-Item Message).